Arc Latin America 2018

Latin America’s Leading Architects Forum
May 31-June 3, 2018
Panama City, Panama
The program below is for 2018
Seminar timings and/or content may be varied at our discretion.
- Day 1
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 4
Thursday, June 20
Friday, June 21
Fifteen years ago while working in New York, I began an investigation that even today I continue doing, about how we relate to other people in the spaces and how the design of these spaces influences our senses and can generate specific behaviours of its users.
Most of us arrive daily to our educational institutions or to our workplaces, and never realize the impact they have on our behaviours: the space, the materials, the lighting, the colours, or the disposition of furniture and how these factors influence our ability to relate to others while we learn or are more productive.
Arquitecta especializada en diseño de interiores con una amplia experiencia internacional en proyectos en Estados Unidos, Europa y Asia. Su formación y experiencia, junto con su visión innovadora han permitido que sus proyectos cumplan con las necesidades y expectativas de cada cliente a través de soluciones creativas de alto impacto y recordación. Liliana es profesora de la especialización de Arquitectura Interior de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana desde 2008 y ha sido profesora invitada en otras universidades. Adicionalmente es conferencista nacional e internacional y escribe para publicaciones periódicas sobre temas relacionados con interiorismo.Saturday, June 22
In recent years, research in various areas of human knowledge has allowed great advances in the development of new proposals and technological applications. In the field of design and construction of projects, these advances have been gradual and there are still major challenges globally to achieve comprehensive design solutions available to all.
As a result of the advance of research on new technologies for the development of projects, it is important for us architects to know and consider the tools and systems that would allow collaborative work, integrated design and the development of sustainable projects.
Salvador Rivas is an architect and designer interested in the value of good design, the efficiency of systems and the rapid developments in technology; aspects that allow the development of new ideas for truly sustainable projects that can improve our built environment. For nearly 20 years, his research projects and his collaboration in renowned architecture studios, participating in the development of a wide variety of international projects, has allowed him to develop a vision for excellence in design, multi-disciplinary integration and sustainable projects. Based on this experience, he has founded s*arc, a new architecture and design studio focused on the development of unique, innovative and sustainable projects. Experience in Projects: Residential | Office | Mixed Use | High-Rise | Hospitality | InfrastructureSynopsis
Attend this educational and entertaining session and learn how the key economies of North America and Latin America are performing. To that end, attention will be focused on the US economy and the Mexican economy in North America, and the economies of Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Chile in Latin America. For each nation, GDP growth, commodity prices, exports, interest rates, inflation rates, currency fluctuations and the domestic political situation will be examined. In addition, particular attention will be devoted to the evolving and anticipated trade policies of President Trump and their likely impact on the US and elsewhere. Also, growth prospects in China will be carefully examined, given the profound impact China has on the price of a host of commodities. Similarly, the behaviour of OPEC and crude oil prices will be reviewed. Lastly, the likely path of monetary policy in the United States will be carefully discussed given its global importance.