BOND Custom 2022

America's Leading Luxury Home Architects Forum

October 20-23, 2022


America’s top Custom Home Architects with high-end Luxury Residential Projects

Custom home projects are a bit like movies. It all starts with the architect or designer’s vision. And in the world of custom homes, this vision can push the boundaries of what’s possible and what may have been done before. And this is where the stellar cast of creative, knowledgeable, can-do solutions providers comes in. Solutions providers who share the designer’s vision and passion and who relish the challenge of bringing it to life. If that sounds like you, read on:

BOND Custom brings America’s leading custom home architects and residential architecture firms together with suitably qualified vendors for 3 days and 3 nights. That means America’s most difficult-to-meet luxury residential project leaders in one place, ready to talk.

To get a true measure of this, you need to see who comes. Scroll down a bit and you’ll get an idea. But if you want the full picture, get the full confirmed attendee list so far for this year.

Now consider the time, effort and expense it would take to even try to get in front of this number and calibre of decision maker and you’ll start to appreciate what’s on offer here…

These are the people who decide who gets specified for high-end luxury home projects throughout North America and beyond and you won’t meet them anywhere else.

Who Attends

We pre-qualify designers to meet the following criteria:

1. Principal, Director, Vice President

2. Significant portfolio of luxury, custom home projects in North America

3. Top architecture/design firm

Typical attendees include:

Andre Kikoski


Andre Kikoski Architect

Elizabeth Starr

Managing Director & Partner


Eric Pettit

Co-Founder/Senior Associate

OpenSpace Architecture

David Pascu


Abramson Architects

Daryl Nourse


Reid Smith Architects

Rafael Amuchástegui


RAD Architecture

Victor Salas

Vice President

Richard Manion Architecture

Mike Wetzel



How it Works

Like all BOND events, this is about who comes and the quality of access you have to them.

It centres around a series of one-to-one meetings between custom home architects, designers and vendors that each have selected before the event. And that’s just the start:

You are all together for 3 days and 3 nights, away from the distractions of project and studio environments, in a uniquely relaxed set up where you can properly get to know each other. And one conversation can see the custom home project trail light up in front of you. Because this goes beyond sales pitches – this is about relationships and connections and the collaborative possibilities that they bring.

America’s top custom home architects have pretty hectic schedules and they come to BOND Custom to get away from the pressures of top-end residential projects to find inspiration and to connect with solutions providers who can help them deliver something outstanding for their clients.

And if you want to get a true understanding of the needs and aspirations of America’s high-end luxury residential project leaders and have some interesting solutions to discuss, you will not find a better platform.

Still a bit cynical? Some testimonials might help. Or a video? Better still, have a conversation with us because it’s hard to make this real for you simply through words on our website. It’s a good idea to talk to some people who have already attended a BOND event to get things from their side and we’d be happy to point you in the right direction.

For suppliers, BOND Custom is the best way, bar none, to win hearts and minds at the region’s leading Custom Home Architecture firms.

For Custom Home Architects and Designers, the value lies in re-connecting with peers and discovering the best solutions to your design challenges from the experts who will be your lifeline.


The best run architect-vendor event I’ve attended. Significantly more useful than conventional trade shows.

Brian J. Connolly


Zivkovic Connolly Architects


*Please note seminar timings maybe altered at our discretion

Thursday, October 20

1:40 pm Hotel Lobby

Pre-Event Tour: Art & Architecture (pre-registration required)

4:00 pm Grande Ballroom Foyer

Delegate Registration

6:00 pm Grande Ballroom D & E

Seminar - A booming industry, will your business be sustainable?

Keith Granet | Founder & CEO, Studio Designer

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It is easy to feel very confident about your business when we are in a boom economy, what is not easy is to take a hard look at how to make it sustainable in uncertain times.  With the rise in inflation, interest rates and employee demands even the most seasoned businesses struggle with long term sustainability.  This session will help you think about the choices you need to make to create a stable business environment that meets your vision for your company.  We will address the importance of selecting the right clients that help move your firm forward, your ability to create a learning growing environment for your team, the importance of financial stability and solid reporting and lastly to lower the volume on your concerns to free you up to be more creative.


KEITH GRANET is President of Granet & Associates, a management consulting firm formed in 1991 to provide strategic, financial, operational management and licensing services to the design industry. Granet is the author of the Business of Design, balancing creativity and profitability, Princeton Architectural Press 2011, The Business of Creativity, how to build the right team for success, Princeton Architectural Press 2016, and The Business of Design 10th Anniversary Edition Princeton Architectural Press 2021. Granet guest lectures at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Southern California. He is the founder of Designer Speakers’ Bureau and co-founder of The Leaders of Design. Granet is also Founder and CEO of Studio Designer, the interior design industry’s leading software company. Granet executive produces and hosts of Inside the Business of Design, an interview series that explores the business side of successful design practices. Granet’s vision has always been to strengthen the business side of the profession by establishing good business practices with the firms he works with, develop the profession from within, and ultimately communicate the value of design to the consumer at large. Granet is a graduate of Hartwick College (‘79) and lives with his family in Los Angeles.

7:00 pm Fairway Garden

Welcome Drinks Reception

7:30 pm Fairway Garden

Welcome Dinner

Friday, October 21

6:30 am Torrey Grille

Breakfast at your leisure

7:00 am Email from Russell Ford

Receive Final Meeting Schedule via email

8:20 am Grande Ballroom D & E

Seminar - Living to 100....and the house built for it!

Amy LaGrant | Co-Founder/Client Services, BrandMETTLE, LLC

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Right now, more than 1 in 7 Americans is an older adult. By 2040, there will be 80.8 million Americans over 65.   By 2060 that number jumps to 94.7 million seniors.  And they are not as poor as society would think; Americans age 70 and above had a net worth of nearly $35 trillion, according to Federal Reserve data. That amounts to 27% of all U.S. wealth, up from 20% three decades ago. According to a report about the US millionaire population by age, the average age of US millionaires is 62 years old. A recent Merrill Lynch and Age Wave retirement study, 49% of retirees didn’t downsize in their last move.  In fact, 30% ended up moving into larger homes.  The future is clear: more American seniors control more and more wealth, they spend money on comforts, and they will be aging in place longer than ever.  How do you truly serve these clients, satisfy their housing needs better and fulfill their dreams of staying in their forever homes?


Amy LaGrant is a leading gerontology professional with over 20 years of experience helping brands connect with baby boomers, older seniors, and family caregivers.Amy has held leadership roles in some of the industry’s leading marketing agencies and think tanks focused on the aging demographic. Currently, she co-owns a brand and marketing consulting agency, BrandMETTLE, working with companies and start-ups to bring unique offerings to this audience. Previously, Amy led strategy at multiple mature marketing and consulting agencies such as Bluespire Senior Living, Continuum Crew, JWT Mature Market Group and Age Wave where she helped drive the overall business approach, marketing plans, and executions for her clients.  She has driven strategy for the senior living and active adult market for over 15 years.Prior to her marketing consulting days, Amy worked for AARP in Legislative Affairs and Marriott in Sales and Marketing. She holds a bachelor’s degree and is completing her master’s in Social Anthropology. Amy has a passion for the senior audience and serves on committees for organizations such as the Alzheimer’s Association and Aging 2.0. Her most recent accolade is sharing her own personal caregiver journey on the TEDx Stage. 

9:35 am Grande Ballroom A, B & C

One to One Meetings

12:30 pm

Group Photograph

12:40 pm Parterre Gardens


1:45 pm Grande Ballroom A, B & C

One to One Meetings

5:00 pm

Free Time

7:00 pm Off-site at Mermaids & Cowboys

Drinks Reception

7:30 pm Off-site at Mermaids & Cowboys


Saturday, October 22

6:30 am Torrey Grille

Breakfast at your leisure

8:15 am Grande Ballroom D & E

Seminar - Surviving the Onslaught: Protecting Your Firm From Malware, Ransomware, and Data Exfiltration

Bruce Bartolf | Senior Advisor, Forestay Advisors

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Almost every day you hear about new ransomware attacks. Don’t let it be you. This seminar will help you improve your personal and company’s security in four simple steps. Attendees will also learn about the importance of good processes, and how to improve theirs to reduce the chance of problems even if.


Bruce Bartolf brings a wealth of knowledge and experience built over a 30-year career in AEC technology, consulting, management, and strategic leadership. As Principal and CTO of Gensler, Bruce built and managed the industry-leading technology infrastructure of this global design firm while also engaging with its clients in areas of workplace technology, change management, and IT operations. Currently he is serving as faculty for the ACEC Senior Executive Institute, providing technology consulting through his firm Forestay Advisors, and mentoring future IT leaders. He has a BA and BS from Miami University, completed graduate work at USC Annenberg, and has certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, NetApp, and awards from Microsoft and InfoWorld.  

9:20 am Grande Ballroom A, B & C

One to One Meetings

12:15 pm Parterre gardens


1:20 pm Grande Ballroom D & E

Seminar - The path to real zero carbon homes is straighter and less complicated than you might think

Chris Magwood | Manager RMI Carbon-Free Buildings, Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)

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Meeting climate targets requires decarbonization and building zero carbon homes, but what does this mean and how can we realistically get there? 

In this session, we’ll examine the three “pillars of decarbonization” – energy efficiency, clean energy and embodied carbon – and discover how they can be combined in an affordable, practical and attainable way. 

We’ll look at some recent studies that examine efficiency, clean energy and low embodied carbon and distill the important takeaways from these studies you can apply to your own practice. 

We’ll examine the tools that enable you to analyze your designs and make the adjustments with the biggest impact on your carbon footprint and the lowest impact on your costs and timelines. 

This session will provide clear insights to inspire action today to address the carbon footprint associated with homes. These actions are tangible and cost-effective and can have a measurable impact on ultimately meeting a zero-carbon target. You will become familiar with the tools to calculate these emissions and analyze the results in ways that will help you make sensible and useful business decisions. 


Chris Magwood is obsessed with helping reverse climate change by making carbon-storing buildings that are also healthy, beautiful, efficient and inspiring and assisting others to do the same.

In 2022, Chris joined the Rocky Mountain Institute’s Embodied Carbon initiative within RMI’s Carbon-Free Buildings team.

In 2019, he helped to establish Builders for Climate Action, and has been leading development of the BEAM carbon estimator tool for low- rise construction. He is working closely with many levels of government to develop embodied carbon benchmarks and regulatory programs, and helping developers and builders figure out how to reverse climate change with their buildings.

From 2011-2022, Chris was a director and teacher at The Endeavour Centre, a not-for-profit sustainable building school

Chris has authored seven books on sustainable building and is co- editor of the Sustainable Building Essentials series from New Society Publishers. His new book, Building Beyond Zero: New Ideas for Carbon-Smart Architecture, is co-authored with Bruce King and published by Island Press.

In 1998 he co-founded Camel’s Back Construction, a design-build firm focused on straw bale construction and renewable energy.

Chris has completed an MA at Trent University. His thesis, Opportunities for Carbon Removal and Storage in Building Materials which was published in the fall of 2019.

Chris is an active speaker and workshop instructor in Canada and internationally.

2:25 pm Grande Ballroom A, B & C

One to One Meetings

5:40 pm

Free Time

7:00 pm Poolside

Farewell Drinks Reception

7:30 pm Poolside

Farewell Dinner

Sunday, October 23

6:30 am Torrey Grille

Breakfast at your leisure

8:00 am

Delegate departures

Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines

10950 N Torrey Pines Rd
La Jolla, CA 92037, USA

+1 858-558-1500

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