BOND Diseñotel (español) 2022
El Foro para Arquitectos y Diseñadores hoteleros líderes en América Latina
May 19-22, 2022
Nassau, Bahamas
Precalificamos a los diseñadores para cumplir con los siguientes criterios:
1. Principal, director, vicepresidente
2. Importante cartera de proyectos hoteleros en América Latina
3. La mejor firma de arquitectura/diseño
Los asistentes de 2019 incluyen:
Fabio Giovanni Grego
Director of Project Services
Hyatt Hotels
Karen Valle
Project Director
HKS Architects
María Laura Guevara
Studio Director
Javier Rojas-Rodriguez
Technical Services Director
Six Senses Hotel Resorts Spas
Greta Gonzalez
Regional Manager Architecture & Design
Intercontinental Hotel Group
Regina Segui
Director of Product and Supply
Atlantica Hoteles
Patti Seay
Director - Design
Hilton Worldwide
Hector Ibarra
Chief Procurement Officer
Grupo Posadas
Programa del evento
Los horarios y / o el contenido del seminario pueden variar a nuestro criterio.
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Thursday, May 19
Martina is most interested in humanized business as a vehicle for social change. She focuses on how the shifts in culture and society redefine our perception of meaning and what people see as valuable today. She helps brands navigate the fast-changing socio-cultural context to capitalize on cultural change and create new forms of value that add real meaning to people’s lives. Her goal is to bridge the gap between brands and people to drive meaningful, humanized growth and use the social power of brands and commerce to create new more sustainable futures.
She gives expert advice on meaning and value creation, macrotrends and human foresight, brand and business growth, strategy and innovation, and the rapidly changing consumer behavior to some of the world’s top consumer, corporate, luxury and lifestyle brands. Some of her past clients include banking, finance, investment funds, private equity, fashion and luxury, travel and hospitality, social impact start-ups, a presidential candidate, NGO, technology, telco, medical, pharma, education, professional, marketing services, and consumer goods.
Martina is a global keynote speaker and university guest lecturer represented by Chartwell Speakers in London. She gave guest lectures at universities and business schools across Europe and spoke at conferences and client events in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. She is the author of Reimagining Consumerism As A Force For Good and The Luxury Report: Redefining The Future Meaning Of Luxury.
Her education includes Political Journalism at Georgetown University, The Science of Wellbeing at Yale, Media & Consumer Cultures at the University of Glamorgan in the UK. She has a doctorate in Media Studies from Charles University in Prague.
She cares about social progress, humanized growth, conscious business, the human mind, meaning-making, spirituality, and raising the levels of human consciousness as a driver of social and cultural change. She is based in Europe and available for speaking (VR and IRL), consulting, and workshops worldwide.
Friday, May 20
The hotel industry strives to create temporary, but satisfying, experiences in physical environments. Some design principles are bedrock, but many factors depend more upon the guest’s subjective impression of his/her stay. Just like any other service, we can’t fully satisfy our customers’ needs unless we understand what those needs are – and how they change over time. In this presentation, we’ll focus on one of the core principles of design thinking: Empathy with the user. We’ll review some approaches to integrating customer insights into property and room design. We will also discuss ways to employ sensory marketing techniques and other methods to enhance up the guest experience. And we’ll explore some emerging disruptions in consumer behavior that are changing the ways people purchase goods and services – and even the fundamental mental processes they use to evaluate and select one option from competitors.
Michael Solomon partners with marketers and leaders to help them understand the minds of today's consumers in our volatile economy. Nothing keeps business leaders up at night more than knowing how quickly their brand can be negatively impacted.Regardless of the size of a company, fully understanding consumer behavior is paramount to not only surviving in today's market, but also thriving. This is exactly why Michael is THE go-to expert when it comes to knowing the psychology of the buyer, he's been studying consumer behavior for decades, across all generations. He understands that today's buyer is NOT your cookie cutter consumer.Michael's presentations provide a visual excursion into the minds of consumers and what influences them to buy. His latest book, “The New Chameleons: How to Connect with Consumers Who Defy Categorization,” recently won the NYC Big Book Award for the Marketing & Sales/PR category. The book stitches the trends of today to the future of consumerism in a way that is both provocative and inspiring. The marketing guru Philip Kotler summed it up when he stated, “Solomon has the mind of a scientist and the writing flair of a journalist.Michael advises global clients in leading industries such as apparel and footwear (Calvin Klein, Levi Strauss, Under Armour, Timberland), financial services and e-commerce (eBay, Progressive), CPG (Procter & Gamble, Campbell’s), retailing (H&M), sports (Philadelphia Eagles), manufacturing (DuPont, PP&G) and transportation (BMW, United Airlines) on marketing strategies to make them more consumer-centric. He regularly appears on television shows including The Today Show, Good Morning America and CNN to comment on consumer issues, and he is frequently quoted in major media outlets such as The New York Times, USA Today, Adweek and Time.As a Professor of Marketing (in the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia) and an industry consultant, Michael combines cutting edge academic theory with actionable real-world strategies. He helps managers get inside the heads of their customers so they can anticipate and satisfy their deepest and most pressing needs – today and tomorrow. An executive at Subaru said it best: “The man is a scholar who is current and street-wise.”
Saturday, May 21
La pandemia del covid-19 y su impacto en el turismo global demostró una realidad que estábamos ignorando: el turismo es una industria vulnerable.Considerando la inestabilidad geo-política en el corto plazo, y cambios climáticos catastróficos en el mediano y largo plazo, podemos decir que la recuperación y futura prosperidad de esta industria será difícil de alcanzar. Para que el turismo tenga un futuro próspero, conceptos como la sostenibilidad, resiliencia, adaptación, y mitigación deben convertirse en modelos operacionales, más allá del desarrollo de nuevos productos que dicen ser “soluciones”. El turismo tiene una gran huella de carbono, y es uno de los mas grandes emisores de gases de efecto invernadero. El turismo es una actividad dominante a lo largo de las costas del mundo, y ha transformado la interface entre el océano y la tierra. En muchos respectos, el turismo es causante y conductor del cambio climático. Para volverse sostenible, el turismo debe usar su huella para ser parte de una solución. Los humanos hemos transformado sistemas costeros para construir las vacaciones perfectas en el destino ideal. Pero, ¿y si el destino ideal fuera uno en el que la mayor atracción es la transformación de las costas para capturar carbono, trabajar con los cambios del planeta, apoyar la comunidad, y mantener las funciones turísticas? La restauración de ecosistemas puede ser una herramienta para combatir el incremento del nivel del mar. En lugar de usar energía fósil y millones de dólares alimentando las playas con arena en una guerra contra el incremento del nivel del mar, podemos transformarlas y convertirlas en depósitos de carbono. Estos depósitos serian ecosistemas donde florece la flora y fauna, que proveen nuevas atracciones naturales donde los turistas pueden interactuar con el ecosistema. Arrecifes coralinos en acuarios pueden ser poderosas atracciones turísticas en un mundo donde todos los corales salvajes han muerto. Elementos experienciales podrían ser centrados en la restauración de arrecifes coralinos y otros ecosistemas menos carismáticos. Los ecosistemas de prados marinos, humedales, y arrecifes de ostras pueden acumular sedimentos, disminuir la erosión, capturar carbono, y ser atracciones turísticas. Esta ponencia explora como el turismo puede ser económica y ambientalmente sostenible, si miramos la industria desde un ángulo diferente.
Sergio es un economista que estudia la relación entre la naturaleza, el comportamiento humano, y la economía. Se graduó de la universidad de Florida, fue a trabajar en el capitolio del mismo estado como consejero del Comisionado de Agricultura, y ahora enseña manejo de turismo en la Universidad Central de Florida en Orlando. Su trabajo se centra en la evaluación de los impactos económicos de irruptores como huracanes, floraciones nocivas, y enfermedades emergentes. También estudia la disponibilidad a pagar de las personas por servicios ecosistémicos como la calidad del agua o mejor pesca deportiva.
Sergio is an economist that studies the relationship between nature, human behavior, and the economy. He is a graduate of the University of Florida, worked in the Florida state capitol as an aide to the Commissioner of Agriculture, and is now teaching tourism management at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. He works on assessment of economic impacts of disruptors such as hurricanes, harmful algae blooms, and emerging disease. He also studies people’s willingness to pay for ecosystem services like water quality or better fishing.
STR viajará por la región de Latinoamericana, analizando el desempeño histórico, la recuperación actual tras la pandemia y cuáles son los impulsores y desafíos de la industria hotelera por país y ciudades principales.
Los datos comparativos ayudarán a mostrar el panorama en las regiones de América Central y del Sur, donde está la demanda más fuerte, profundizando el análisis por ubicaciones y por clase, además de las inversiones, utilizando datos de proyectos y nuevas construcciones.
Rico Louw is a Regional Sales Manager and Sales Executive for Mexico at STR. He joined STR in 2015 and is responsible for building and maintaining positive relationships with clients located in the Central state of the U.S, as well as Mexico. He is a frequent guest speaker at hotel industry meetings and conventions, also enjoys to moderate panel discussions.
Rico achieved his degree in Hotel and Restaurant management, in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (where he lived for thirty-one years).
Resides in Gallatin, TN, close to the STR, North America
Headquarters.STR provides clients from multiple market sectors with premium, global data benchmarking, analytics and marketplace insights. STR was acquired in October 2019 by CoStar Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSGP), the leading provider of commercial real estate information, analytics and online marketplaces.